It seemed like it wasn’t long ago that when you mentioned “search engine optimization” to a communications professional, their eyes would glaze over or they would immediately pick up their cell phone to call the nearest “IT guy”.
Those days are over – or at least they soon will be.
SEO can no longer be considered the sole province of a company’s IT or digital marketing department. It needs to be a mainstay, front-and-center consideration for PR professionals as well. There is tremendous value to a company’s communications and SEO contingents working side-by-side. In fact, a properly executed PR plan can be the most effective arrow in SEO’s quiver.
One of the reasons that some communications professionals have had a tendency to place PR and SEO on separate islands is the misconception that SEO is about jiggering algorithms artificially to create a page rankings advantage; deploying black hat tactics to trick search engines. Nothing could be further from the truth.
You’re not going to outsmart Google. Just accept it. Moreover, there’s no reason to. Google, Bing, Yahoo! Search and the rest of the search engines celebrate rich, informative and relevant content. Serving up that caliber of content is exactly where PR practitioners excel. It’s in their professional DNA.
So the questions persists . . . If there is no dispute that PR and SEO pros need to work in tandem in order for a company’s external communications to be as effective as possible, then what steps can be taken to facilitate that partnership?
- TALK! Understand mutual goals.
- Update and determine your priority keywords
- Elevate your social strategy.
PR and SEO professionals have much to learn from – and share with – each other. Let’s keep those discussions going.