Preparing your Communications for 2025

By: Olivia Gerling
Category: Media | Strategy

We’re more than halfway through 2024, which means your team needs to start gearing up with strategic planning and budgeting for 2025. Though it may seem far off now, 2025 will be here before you know it! Trust us, the year goes by quickly. If you don’t have a communications plan in place, you might find yourself in a bit of trouble.

Whether you’re communicating with stakeholders, internal employees, or your audience, effective communication is crucial. Here is KCD PR’s guide to creating a great communications plan for 2025—and beyond!

What is a Communications Plan?

To start with the basics, a communications plan is a strategy outlining the actions you will take to share important information. This could include product announcements, mergers and acquisitions, and even new hires. Whether your audience is internal or external, having a plan of action for executing your statements is essential.

Different plans may have various goals, such as marketing or information dissemination, which will impact how you organize each campaign. Is your goal ROI? A PR and marketing campaign might be the best approach. Do you want to communicate with your internal workforce? Your communications plan might need to focus on internal campaigns like newsletters, town halls, events and Q&As.

Without a plan in place, your company risks being underprepared for announcements and failing to communicate effectively with the intended audience, which could lead to negative consequences.

Creating Your Communications Plan

Now that you’ve decided to prepare your company for 2025, consider the following essential variables when establishing your plan:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What is your goal for this campaign?
  • Do you have an outreach plan?
  • What are your key messages?
  • What is the timeline for this plan?

For example, if your company is preparing for a merger announcement, your main audience will likely include stakeholders and employees. Stakeholders will want to know how the merger affects their finances, while employees need to know about job security and other significant changes. The goal of this campaign will be to communicate any changes—or lack thereof—to these stakeholders and employees. Once you understand your audience, focus on the outreach plan: identify who needs to be informed first, choose the best method of communication, and proceed accordingly.

Next, draft your message. Will you assure employees that they will retain their jobs? Or will you need to explain changes in their roles? Once the message is defined, ensure that it is clear and consistent across all channels.

Finally, determine the timeline. If the merger has already occurred, you’re a bit too late. However, if it’s scheduled for a month from now, consider informing your audience in advance. Provide details on when the merger will take place, when changes will begin, and what to expect. A well-planned timeline for sharing crucial information and next steps will help establish your company’s reputation among employees and stakeholders.

Planning for 2025

Do you have any major events or announcements planned for next year? List everything significant that might happen in 2025 and start preparing now. Create a timeline for each announcement and follow the steps outlined above. As always, KCD PR is here to help!

Do you need some help with your marketing and communications activations? Does your executive team need media training or key messaging? Reach out today to chat ab

Contact  KCD PR to learn more.

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