Innovative Financial PR Techniques to Stand Out

By: Jean Natalina

In the crowded financial industry, it can be difficult especially for startups to stand out. Even for established brands, it can be hard to set your business apart from the crowd. Additionally, some financial brands have become so recognized that there is a perception that they are “behind the times” and not modernizing the way that they should. Whether your business is a legacy institution or just getting started, here are a few financial PR techniques that you can implement this year to help entice and engage your clients and potential customers.

Thought Leadership Initiatives

Thought leadership is not a new concept in the financial PR industry, but there are a few new initiatives that your business can adopt to keep your thought leadership strategy fresh. The first is publishing original research reports. This helps establish your company as a credible player in the space. From a PR perspective, these research reports also serve as valuable data that reporters can use in their stories.

Another tip is to create industry-specific webinars hosted by key executives on your team. Webinars are a great way to meet new prospects. Focus on topics that are top of mind for your industry. You can promote these webinars via sponsored ads, if you have the funds, or promote organically through social media channels and groups. For both research reports and webinars, your business can partner with leading industry media outlets to co-publish these assets. This not only lends credibility to your business – but also establishes a relationship with the people who work at those outlets.

Being a guest on a podcast is also a great way to help establish thought leadership. Many podcast hosts have great networks that you can tap into, and they will promote the episode to their audiences. Look for reputable podcasts that reach your target audience.

Leveraging Social Media

Every business is leveraging social media and simply posting on social media is not going to be enough to stand out from the crowd these days. Engaging in timely conversations can help boost your social media presence. Utilize platforms like Sprout Social or Hootsuite to engage with your audience in real time as comments and mentions appear.

Video is also a key component of social media and is quickly becoming the new preferred content format. Video is helpful especially when breaking down complex topics. Try filming quick explainer videos on some of the biggest trends and news impacting your industry. We suggest posting these videos on YouTube – a bonus is that it can help with your SEO if you optimize those videos.

Strategic Partnerships

We know that partnerships are important in the business world and can help get the word out about your brand and product. This year think about partnering with a non-profit organization that gives back to your community. Also, think about partnering with industry influencers. Many of them are well respected and have large followings that can help connect you with your target audiences. Your partnerships should be aligned with your business objectives and what you hope to achieve.

 AI and VR Experiences

Some financial concepts can be tough to grasp. Utilize data-driven storytelling to help put things into perspective – think about using AI or VR for data visualization and infographics to help engagingly present information. This is a great strategy for companies that are focused on financial education and literacy. It can also help immerse clients and potential prospects into your brand.

Standing out from the crowd can be challenging, especially in the financial industry. A few financial PR techniques that we recommend to help your business get ahead this year is freshening up your thought leadership strategy with research reports, webinars, and podcasts. Leveraging social media by responding to comments in real-time and publishing video content on top-of-mind topics for your audience. Build your brand awareness with strategic partnerships with non-profit organizations or leading industry influencers. And use AI and Virtual Reality to help create interactive data-driven assets.

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