It’s that time of year again, where family traditions and the tempting aromas of holiday cooking bring folks together to gather around the table with friends and family to give thanks for all the gifts and memories they’ve been blessed with throughout the year. While in today’s world, the holiday of Thanksgiving is most often associated with turkey, autumn leaves and of course pie, the KCD PR team decided to stick to tradition and take a minute to share what we’ve been most thankful for this past year:
Kevin Dinino
I’m thankful for the exciting uncertainty of what each day brings when it comes to working with our clients. That is the beauty of digital marketing and communications – stories happen in real time, ideas come to life and can turn into a huge campaign. It’s also exciting to be part of KCD PR and I’m most thankful for our valued clients and those who view us as a huge resource to their business.
Ryan Hall
There has been plenty to be thankful for over the past year! In addition to all the great news at KCD PR – a fantastic client roster that continues to grow, watching our clients achieve their goals, the addition of several new dynamic team members, our beautiful new office space, etc. – it’s been a pretty good year for me personally as well. I got married in October and my wife Monica and I have enjoyed every minute of the ride so far. I’m definitely thankful to have her and for the fact that she’s willing to put up with me. I’m also thankful for my family and friends, my health, sense of humors, people who understand my sense of humor, football and the fact that I get to do something I love every day!
Ashley Weaver
It’s been an amazing year! I’m so thankful for the opportunity I’ve had to grow and learn and do what I love. We have a great team here at KCD PR, and I couldn’t be more proud to say I’m a part of it. I also have to give thanks for the people I get to call family – both biological and not. It is a blessing to have people who celebrate your wins but also know how to give you a good kick in the pants when it’s needed.
Amanda Powers
It has been a whirlwind of a year, between moving to our new offices and getting engaged (just to name a few!), so it’s hard to succinctly say what I’m most grateful for, but I’ll do my best. Working at KCD PR wouldn’t be the same without our supportive team. I learn something new every day about media relations, social media, content development, inbound marketing and graphic design thanks to our dream team. My new fiancé, whose service to our country couldn’t make me prouder. A big thanks to JetBlue airlines for making visiting my family on the east coast so simple, and Tom Brady and the New England Patriots for making it so easy to wear my No.12 jersey on Sundays. Mostly though, I’m thankful to be spending this Thanksgiving with my closest family and friends, with full bellies and full hearts!
Charlie Van Derven
Without question, the greatest joy I have in life is for my wife Karmen and our daughters Madelyn and Eden. Though I experienced a lot of great times prior, life didn’t really begin until Karmen and I married and had children. I know no greater love than the love I have for my family. Each day begins and ends with the goal of creating a better life for my girls. I have much to be thankful for this holiday season, but nothing more than the health and happiness of my family.
Kelly Gardner
Having missed Thanksgiving with my family last year, I can assure you I’ve been awaiting the arrival of turkey day for some time! While I have to admit it is largely because I can’t wait to sit down and indulge in an array of food that hits every taste bud, I’m really excited to head back to Northern California and sit around the table with my favorite friends and family. For starters, moving to San Diego was a huge transition and I am thankful for all the people I’ve met who have gone out of their way to make this city feel like home to me. This year, I am most thankful for KCD PR, being a part of such an amazing and tight-knit team has allowed me to think outside the box, gain new perspectives and most importantly, help me to realize I’ve chosen the right career path!
Danielle Carlo
This year I am truly thankful for the opportunity to be working for an amazing company in a beautiful city. In the name of Wanderlust, I decided to leave my job and the city of Boston this summer in search of new opportunities and warmer weather. I quickly learned that all great changes are preceded by chaos and now that I have two feet on the ground I couldn’t be happier. San Diego is magical, and anyone who disagrees must not have had the opportunity to visit just yet. I have never lived anywhere with friendlier people, better food or more beautiful scenery. The opportunity to work at KCD PR has been a gift in itself and I am lucky to work with so many innovative and dynamic team members, while having a view of the sun setting over the Pacific.
Charles Jiang
Hands down, the biggest thing I’m thankful for this past year is having survived age 23. Newly graduated life can be tough these days for a lot of millennials, and I struggled with leaving behind my identity as a student to seek an identity as a professional. Luckily, on the day of my 24th birthday, I received a call that I was to join the KCD PR team as their graphic designer. Thus beginning my personal voyage toward adulthood! Coincidence or not, it’s an opportunity I’m definitely grateful.
Tony Vignieri
As the holidays approach I am always thankful for the real things in life and what connects us to one another— family, fun, the beautiful way my wife decorates our home and living in one of the most wonderful places on the planet. I am also thankful for our new dog, a golden-doodle, who is filled with energy, love and makes my wife and I laugh every day.
Lisa Hinz
I am most thankful for my best friend and husband who centers me everyday to be able to prioritize what matters most, overcome setbacks with grace and confront fears with confidence. He is the reason behind my why and I give thanks for him and the many ways his love and support makes me whole.