Social Media: Not Just for Your Kids!

By: Kevin Dinino
Category: Social Media

We thought this video report issued by the Wall Street Journal recently really sums up the story as it relates to financial advisors and social media. The editorial staff at Dow Jones discussed the pros and cons of using social media sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook and really drove home a few key points. For example, they talked about how social media can be used as a way to stay in front of their clients constantly instead of during the quarterly review meetings. It can also serve as a way for to discuss topics like sports, current events, and charitable endeavors  that might not come up while in an office environment.  We thought this piece was timed very well given the emergence of our Social Media NOW! Package and it also helps answer many of the same questions that we hear advisors asking us about social media, especially those about regulatory concerns and why they should use social media.

They’re just getting out there and socializing and when someone needs advice they might come to me because they know my name” is the quote from Daisy Maxey in the last ten seconds of the video and that is a mantra we have been preaching to our clients all along. You can use social media to build a presence online and make it easier for clients and prospects to interact with you. Another ironic twist is that the video in itself serves as proof of another  way for financial advisors to connect with the national media. Case in point, Daisy Maxey obtained her sources for her article from advisors who are using social media!

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