Millennium Trust Company – Financial Services

Millennium Trust Company, a provider of specialized custody solutions, approached KCD PR for help with increasing its brand awareness and further establishing its reputation as a thought leader in the retirement savings industry. Catching the attention of finance reporters in a crowded media industry was a difficult task that required a creative strategy and unique approach. Millennium Trust Company sought KCD PR’s expertise to develop a comprehensive public relations strategy with the goal of increasing visibility for the company’s small business retirement solutions, building brand exposure, and effectively communicating its service offerings to the media.

To generate awareness of the Millennium Trust Company brand, KCD PR implemented a broad communications strategy that included public relations campaigns, targeted media relations outreach and content creation. KCD PR’s strategy was designed to position Millennium Trust as a thought leader on the future of retirement savings and small business solutions.
To break through the noise and ensure Millennium Trust Company’s unique voice and position was heard, KCD PR laid the foundation for Millennium Trust Company to commission a survey of small businesses and their employees with the goal of identifying the most pressing issues in the retirement savings landscape. The results of the survey magnified the retirement savings crisis and outlined several potential causes and considerations. This allowed Millennium Trust Company to more effectively position its Workplace Savings Solution for small businesses and their employees, helping to drive the conversation on increasing access to affordable retirement benefits.

By uniquely positioning Millennium Trust Company’s custody solutions expertise, KCD PR was able to present the research to media, generating coverage among the organization’s target demographic and positioning its executives as subject matter experts. Within the first year of our partnership, KCD PR garnered more than 85 unique online and print stories in local and national publications including American Banker, Business Insider, The Chicago Tribune, CNBC, Crain’s, Fox Business, Inc. and Kiplinger, among many others.

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